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BEYOND another Big Event in the Field of Foreign Trade

Released on Sep. 04, 2022


Congratulations to Alex, the general manager of BEYOND, who participated on behalf of Weifang, and won the second place in the "North Merchants Foreign Trade Talent Classic Contest"! This is a breakthrough of Weifang merchants in more than ten years, but also a self-breakthrough of BEYOND.

BEYOND another Big Event in the Field of Foreign Trade

"North Merchants Foreign Trade Talent Classic Contest" held by Alibaba, gather e-commerce ideas, show e-commerce style, create e-commerce talent, gather e-commerce power! To selection of ideas, courage, passion, dream, the most important is willing to share the e-commerce talent, they will bring unique experience for many small and medium-sized enterprises to share, so that the network full of dreams to learn more successful methods!

BEYOND another Big Event in the Field of Foreign Trade

From 2020, we actively participate in the promotion of platform learning, contact with more outstanding person in the same industry, break our old mind of foreign trade, redefine BEYOND in the oil drilling equipment industry positioning and the company's vision of struggle. From 2020 to 2022, we used the two years to comprehensively layout online data coverage, improve the BEYOND's supply chain, expand the team and actively improve team cohesion by learning foreign trade communication skills. By the end of the first half of 2022, the number of new clients developed has exceeded the total number of 2021. The amount of new customer contribution has surpassed the total contribution rate of new customers in 2021.

BEYOND another Big Event in the Field of Foreign Trade

"Look up at the stars, Get down to earth" is what Alex inspires all our employees. And "Honesty & Unity, Positive & Sharing, Professional & Efficient, cooperation & Win-Win cooperation" "is the most firm cooperation sincerity to our customers. Only all of our staff constantly improve their ability, in order to better serve every customer, truly achieve "win-win cooperation", and become the real Top-Brand of oil drilling equipment export field.