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BEYOND Held Internal Training to Improve its Business Performance

Released on Jul. 08, 2022


On 7th of July , BEYOND held an internal meeting aiming to improve the company business performance and coordination between different departments in our Weifang branch office. The participants include our team from different departments like Business development, logistics, procurement, finance, and marketing.

BEYOND Held a Mid-2022 Work Review Meeting

First of all, Mr. Alex Zhao, managing director of BEYOND, shared his experience and story in his business trip to Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in the past 3 months. Through face to face communication with clients, they have a better understanding of BEYOND from different views like corporate culture, business mode and experiences etc.

BEYOND Held Internal Training to Improve its Business Performance

By offering One-stop drilling equipment supplying service, BEYOND make the clients feel more assured to work with us in a long term basis. In the past six months, we have successfully developed 20 new clients, covering different regions like South America, Africa, the United States and some other countries. And the company has plan to visit our other clients abroad again in the second half of this year.

BEYOND Held a Mid-2022 Work Review Meeting

During the meeting, BEYOND team had brain-storm on how to improve the performance of each department and on how to offer better value of our clients. At the last, Mr. Alex announced the specific work plan for the second half year and July.

BEYOND always adhere to our business principle as “Professional & Efficient, Customer focus and Win-Win cooperation”. Therefore, we have good confidence to continuously to improve ourselves and to offer better services for all our clients for now and for future.

BEYOND Held Internal Training to Improve its Business Performance

About the latest quarantine policy for entry to China:

① 7 days forced hotel quarantine at the entry city+3 days at destination city

② After 3 days of quarantine at the destination, you can move freely.

③ If you want to visit China or our company, only 10 days quarantine is ok.

If you have plan to visit China, please feel free to contact us so we can offer all the support for you.