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Ring out the old, ring in the new

Released on Jan. 28, 2022


Amid the din of crackers, the old year is over,

And the spring wind has wafted warm breath to the wine.

To every home, the sun imparts its brighter rays,

Old peach wood charms against evil are replaced by new ones.

"Lunar New Year’s Day" by Wang Anshi of the Song Dynasty. Whenever we read this verse, the feeling of delight arises spontaneously. The Spring Festival is the most solemn and lively traditional festival in China.

Ring out the old, ring in the new

The Spring Festival has a history of more than 4,000 years. It originated from the activities of worshiping deities and ancestors in ancient times. On the Spring Festival, people will change into new clothes, stick Spring Festival couplets, set off firecrackers, and worship their ancestors. It is necessary to resign from the old year, but also strive to have a good start.

Ring out the old, ring in the new

Time flies, descendants of the Chinese nation have spread all over the world. The Spring Festival has become a global festival. Chinese all over the world will celebrate New Year's Eve. We get together with our families, festively singing and dancing. When the fireworks bloom, between the laughter, time seems to have flown back thousands of years, We can vaguely hear the sincere blessings of our ancestors. The power of inheritance is reaching the peak at this moment. It is so powerful that allows a nation to continue and still be full of vitality after thousands of years.

The bell of 2022 is about to ring, BEYOND is grateful to all the friends who have supported and helped us. We wish everyone good health and fulfillment in the new year!

Ring out the old, ring in the new