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BEYOND Mid-Year Review Meeting

Released on Aug. 19, 2022


BEYOND mid-year review meeting was held on Aug. 12th, 2022 in Qingdu International Hotel of Qingzhou in which Beyond headquarter is located. All departments participate in the conference and summarize the work of first half of 2022, deploying the strategy and key tasks for second half of the year.

BEYOND Mid-Year Review Meeting

At the session, supervisors of each department made a summary of the work for first half of the year based on the responsibilities and goals, discovering the deficiencies in the work, carrying on the deep analysis of unfinished work and mistakes in the work, and proposing work plan for the second half of the year. And excellent employees are invited to share and exchange successful experience and insight.

BEYOND Mid-Year Review Meeting

General Manager Alex Zhao fully affirmed the work achievements of each department in the first half of 2022, mainly reflected in performance growth compared to corresponding period, number of signed orders increased 2.2 times, number of new clients increased 6 times, exports increase 6 times; At the same time, Mr. Zhao pointed out the problems and deficiencies in the work, like strengthening the communication and coordination across departments. He asked all departments to perform their duties earnestly, to adjust their work strategy in a timely manner based on working issues and goals, meanwhile all departments focus on details and working closely to jointly promote the smooth completion of the annual goals and tasks.

BEYOND Mid-Year Review Meeting

All the participants went to a dinner party after the session. Fun activities and lucky-draw games built up to a rousing climax; After dinner, most colleagues went to sing and dance. Everyone not only gained much joy and relax from the session, but improved the communication across departments and boosted the morale; We believe in all staff will achieve better performance in the future work.