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Through Thick and Thin, We Pursue Our Dreams -BEYOND’s team-building in Sanya

Released on Jan. 13, 2022


From the 5th -8th of January 2022, BEYOND Petroleum Company, held a team-building expansion activity - "Sanya Tour" with the theme of "Through Thick and Thin, We Pursue Our Dreams". Alternate work with rest is a life and work attitude that BEYOND has always advocated and insisted on. In the work, employees focus on business development and personnel capacity improvement. In life, each retains a natural and unrestrained attitude.

This activity was placed in Sanya, Hainan. Our experience during this activity was enhanced by following the guidance of nature, listening to the crashing of the waves against the rocks, stepping bare feet on the beach, and enjoying the pleasant sunshine at 18 degrees north latitude under the coconut trees.

Through Thick and Thin, We Pursue Our Dreams -BEYOND’s team-building in Sanya

In the morning of the 5th, we walked around “The Remotest Corners of the Globe” and felt the heat of the tropical ocean monsoon. Our initial impression of Sanya was the music, food, and light. On the 6th, we went to the “Li and Miao tourist area” to feel the cultural characteristics of indigenous ethnic minorities.

Through Thick and Thin, We Pursue Our Dreams -BEYOND’s team-building in Sanya

Through Thick and Thin, We Pursue Our Dreams -BEYOND’s team-building in Sanya

Then on the 7th, we shuttled into “ATLANTIS Water World”. With a leisurely breakfast and hearty shopping, this journey came to an end on the afternoon of the 8th.

Through Thick and Thin, We Pursue Our Dreams -BEYOND’s team-building in Sanya

A group of like-minded partners spoke about things outside of work. Everyone's feelings progressively heated up and this journey had added a different elegant demeanor. As the saying goes, a single thread can’t generate a cord, nor a single tree a forest. The same piece of iron can be seen melting and also be made into steel. The same team can do nothing and also gain significant achievements.

Through Thick and Thin, We Pursue Our Dreams -BEYOND’s team-building in Sanya

It's rare to see colleagues in a state of relaxation outside of work. We each were chasing and laughing together, I saw more charming companions on this journey. It's very honored to work in such an energetic and unitive team, I have every faith in we will become the closest comrade-in-arms in years to come!