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BEYOND 2022 International Business Trip

Released on Dec. 20, 2022


BEYONDS management leaders started their 6-7 weeks international business trip on December 12th. With the aim of strengthening communication with clients, better serving customers, and strive to land more projects.

 BEYOND 2022 International Business Trip

During this trip, we will visit Egypt, Romania, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. And Egypt is the first stop.


After arriving in Egypt, the Egyptian client took the initiative to invite our team to visit the factory, carry out face-to-face communication, and deeply connect with each other around project cooperation and agency matters, which deepened mutual friendship and consolidated cooperation.


It is believed that this business trip will be full of rewards. It will be a trip of economic and trade development, cooperation and exchange, and friendship deepening. Establishing a good communication mechanism with customers to achieve long-term interactive cooperation. Further deepening the cooperation with clients to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

BEYOND 2022 International Business Trip