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Pragmatic management, pursuit of excellence

Released on Jun. 01, 2022


On May 30, the production and packaging of the porcelain sand sent to Kazakhstan was completed. This batch of porcelain sand filter material is refined from porous ceramic raw materials mixed with rare earth raw materials. It has strong filtration and adsorption capacity, high strength, low resistance, corrosion resistance, non-toxicity, simple regeneration, and long service life.

Pragmatic management, pursuit of excellence

Porcelain sand filter material is widely used in the single-layer filter, multi-layer filters, and mechanical filters as a filter medium, and can also be used to treat various industrial sewage, industrial water, urban tap water, urban sewage, pure water, soft water, etc. As a biological filter material for the treatment of organic sewage. It can also be used as a filter material for filter dust collectors to treat various industrial dust and boiler dust.

Pragmatic management, pursuit of excellence

Meanwhile, it is expected in early June. Fasteners to Kazakhstan will also be delivered. These fasteners are in strict compliance with ASME standards according to client requirements. After special strengthening treatment, the service life will be longer.

Pragmatic management, pursuit of excellence

As the overhaul of the Kazakh refinery draws near, the products we are responsible for supplying are currently ramping up production and will be shipped in a later period. We believe that our products will help clients to the greatest extent possible to complete the task of overhauling the refinery. And in the future refinery production process, play its due role.