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Welcome to Work Together with BEYOND

Released on Feb. 23, 2022


2022 is a new and vigorous year for BEYOND that a growing number of fresh blood has been infused into our squad. From naive at the beginning to self-confident at the positive evaluation, the one-month internship was a novel, exhausting and pleasing experience for every new employee.

When walking through the door of BEYOND, the first thing employees do is petroleum equipment knowledge learning. The explanation of the senior colleagues and the learning materials gave the new hires a preliminary understanding of petroleum equipment.

Welcome to Work Together with BEYOND

After half a month of study, the new hires accept the first assessment with petroleum equipment as the main test content. There is no doubt that for new employees who have never been exposed to petroleum equipment, it is not a slight challenge to complete the initial evaluation.

Welcome to Work Together with BEYOND

It is assured that in the learning process, BEYOND will offer various opportunities for new employees to participate in product training, visit the factory, etc. As the Chinese saying goes “Seeing is believing”, the sufficient practice  resolved the doubts encountered by new colleagues in the learning process.

Welcome to Work Together with BEYOND

Lastly, we sincerely thank the colleagues who gave us myriad support during the internship. It is because of the colleagues’ training answering time and again that we have the courage to persevere and the knowledge accumulation to pass the examination. Meanwhile, I would like to convey my warmest congratulations to all new employees. Welcome to work together with BEYOND.